Want to create a social and economic impact through a democratic approach?

    We have no current vacancies, however, we will be keeping your information in our database for future opportunities.

    Collaboration Opportunities!

    We are interested in investing in your knowledge and expertise, so if you have a skill or workshop that you like to offer as part of our training calendar, we would love to collaborate with you.

    Our Programs

    Our programs are designed to reinforce your skills and experience. It will prove your dedication and strength of character and will not go unnoticed by future employers.

    Our Internship Program

    Your resume will be your calling card. Build it up and make sure it shines bright. A remote internship is one of the best ways to get valuable experience and grow your network – all while working at home or wherever you are.

    Our Volunteering Program

    This is an exciting opportunity that will give you the chance to support our team in coordinating with people from different locations across Lebanon. You’ll get first-hand experience of using technology for good and helping make an impact at scale.

    Interested in becoming part of the biggest network of MSMEs and coops in Lebanon?