The Journey
    Explore our directory of verified local cooperatives and MSMEs in Lebanon.
    Get to know like-minded individuals, experts, and professionals from the MSME sector.
    Connect with people who complement the supply chain in your region and join our network.
    Network and meet different people whom you might share common interests with.

    Izraa is a group of engineers specialized in the agricultural field who are here to put their hands in the dough and help people become more food independent especially in this crisis situation but also to promote all types of agriculture to boost the sector.

    How do we support the community?
    Solidarity Directory
    Online Directory
    Solidarity Directory
    <p>A platform that brings together economic, social and solidarity projects, strengthening their relationship with the local civil society. The BDS providers in the region can also benefit from this access to information as well as MSMEs.</p>
    Solidarity Box
    Solidarity Box
    <p>&ldquo;The Solidarity Box&rdquo; is a Daleel Tadamon branded package that contains a range of products from local cooperatives and small businesses in Lebanon. This project works toward achieving social justice, solidarity and democracy which can improve the living conditions of all people regardless of their differences. DT helps with building sustainable and</p>
    The Solidarity Radio
    Online Radio
    The Solidarity Radio
    <p>This platform, the radio, provides digital content, to be the echo of the marginalized, the oppressed, the poor and the people in general, to secure the right to the basics of living and human dignity.</p>
    Our Partners

    Our work is possible because we work with supportive partners

    What are people saying about us
    <p>The way socio economic issues are tackled in-session with The Solidarity Directory is very heterodox in nature, which is rare. It&rsquo;s very interactive and eye opening.</p>
    <p>I strongly believe in this project and i am feeling optimistic for the first time in a while.</p>
    <p>The &quot;Solidarity Accelerate&quot; project has brought us all together to overcome our problems.</p>
    On the news!

    Our projects and initiatives have been featured on the following media channels

    Interested in becoming part of the biggest network of MSMEs and coops in Lebanon?